Monday, November 22, 2010

Presidential Candidate Bill Belichick

Bill Belichick was born in Nashville, Tennessee. He had a rough upbringing with his father constantly gone and his mother struggling to keep the family out of homelessness. Bill learned the hard way of how poor Americans survive. We chose Bill Belichick to be our candidate for President of the United States for a number of reasons. Bill came on to the political spectrum as a very young man. He started out as an assistant to the regional manager of F.A.P.P. and has gained much experience in his career as he has soared through the ranks. Bill has always been a strong supporter of the American Patriot Party and has always devoted his time to making his beloved party the best and most well-rounded party there is. He is a strong believer in putting Americans first when it comes time for him to make a difficult decision. He wants to get as many jobs as possible back in the United States and get our middle class back to work. Bill has many charities and fundraisers across the United States with most profits going to homeless shelters and the Childrens' Miracle Network. Bill believes we are a nation which is falling behind others in terms of education. He believes we need to give more money to struggling schools.
"A nation without disipline is like a quarterback without plays to run."-Bill Belichick Dec. 2008

Vice Presidential Candidate Robert Kraft

Robert Kraft was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. Robert was part of a typical family and was raised by his parents and grandparents. He attended a local private college for four years. He later pursued a MBA degree at Harvard Business School. After receiving his MBA Robert worked his way up the management ladder and eventually reached the top where today he still is today, CEO of The Kraft Group. Robert has an unsurpassable amount of experience in the field of management and decision making. He has many friends and colleagues around the world so foreign relations is somewhat of an everyday thing for Robert. Robert has been working hard for years to get as many jobs and keep as many jobs as he can in his company. Robert has been on the political scene for almost 40 years and has always been a maverick when it comes to voting for an issue he thinks doesn't suit regular people in a good or positive way. He has always been a important advisor for Bill Belichick so we think their partnership will continue to prosper immensely once in office.

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